Gage R&R Analytics – Old

Gage R&R Analytics

Test every testing station before deploying in mass production and ensure it is qualified

Gage R&R Analytics

Check your test equipment repeatability and reproducibility (GR&R) 

  • Check your tested parameters Consistency

  • Check your Process Standard Deviation

  • Check  Differences Between Operators

  • Make sure that your test equipment is qualified and ready for mass manufacturing

Gage R&R module

Gage R&R Analytics

Through our innovative Gage R&R Analytics system, we’ll help you qualify your test equipment for mass production. 

With this tool, you can generate a detailed statistical report that grades each test equipment according to its readiness for mass production.

Contributions based on variance

Contribuitions based on variance

The Gage R&R module analyzes the Repeatability & Reproducibility of the testing station: 

  • The amount of testing station variation compared with the process variation.
  • The amount of variation in the testing station that is due to operator influence.
  • The testing station ’s capability to identify different parts
Variant components chart

Variance components chart

The QualityLine The Gage R&R module uses ANOVA and Average and Range methods to the following  measurement error components:

  1. Repeatability
  2. Reproducibility
  3. Part-to-part variation


Any types of data

ANY saved manufacturing data sources

Manual data

Data From Machines

Testing stations

Data from Sensors

Data can be created and saved:

In QualityLine cloud
In the customer’s private cloud
On premise

No changes

in your existing data structures
are requiredare required

We will collect, harmonize and unify your data

Data visualization in a BI Analytics


Any types of data

ANY saved manufacturing data sources

Manual data

Data From Machines

Testing stations

Data from Sensors

Data can be created and saved:

In QualityLine cloud
In the customer’s private cloud
On premise

No changes

in your existing data structures
are requiredare required

We will collect, harmonize and unify your data

Data visualization in a BI Analytics


Data integration involves combining data residing in different sources
and providing users with a unified view of them.
This process becomes significant in a variety of situations, which include both
from engineering and testing to repair of faulty products.