Improve product quality, manufacturing efficiency and timely delivery
- Use AI to improve your first pass yield
- AI Analytics dashboard
- Prediction of failures
- AI Root cause analysis down
to the component level - Cross correlations between processes
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Unlock the value of your data
Global end-to-end control
Automated and fast integration of any manufacturing data source
QualityLine experts have experience with more than 1500 production lines around the world and more than 30 years in the manufacturing industry.
We want to use our knowledge and experience to help you improve your manufacturing efficiency and product quality.
Our machine learning and artificial intelligence technology will make this possible.
Tips for best analytics results
we recommend that your data will include:
Data for Testing Analytics
- Serial Number (SN) of each unit
- Product Part Number
- Testing station Name/number
- Operator Name (if exist)
- Timestamp (time/date)
- Status of the testing unit (PASS/FAIL)
- Process Name (if exist)
- Parameter name (the names of each tested parameter within each test session)
- Lower Limit of each test
- Higher Limit of each test
- Result of each test
- Test Status – the result of each test – pass/fail (if exist)
- Test Duration (if exist)
- Measuring Units (if exist)
Data for Repairs Analytics
- Serial Number (SN) of each unit
- Product Part Number
- Technician name or number (if exist)
- Failed parameter of symptom found in the testing
- The faulty component or material found defective during repair (component number and also reference designator)
- The failure code that was found by the technician (broken component, cold soldering…)
- Text description of the problem found (if exists)